I provide the full range of EA/PA support including:

  • Diary management
  • Travel planning & booking
  • Visa applications
  • Email management
  • Production of reports & presentations
  • Transcription
  • Proof reading
  • Expenses management
  • General administrative assistance
  • Personal/lifestyle management

In short, I will ensure that you are where you need to be, when you need to be there, with the all the information that you need.

I can provide an ad hoc service (by the hour) or work on a retainer basis, meaning that you benefit from my skills and experience according to your budget, with no overheads.  I will bring a personalised, bespoke service to your business; tailored to your needs.  I am adept at working across multiple time zones, so you need not be UK based to take advantage of my expertise.

My aim is to take away the stress of organising a busy schedule by dealing with the important but tedious and time-consuming tasks; thus improving your work/life balance, enabling you to grow your business, concentrate on your passion and enjoy life.

If you would like more information, or would like professional, virtual assistance for real life then please: